about Me
I am currently working for Electrical Consultants, Inc. as an Associate Engineer in their substation group. As a substation design team member, my primary focus includes generation step up for wind and solar farms. My day to day responsibilities include equipment selection, design of one line and three line diagrams, design of electrical AC and DC control schematics, substation wiring drawings, performing QA/QC checks for substations and switchyards, points list development, and SCADA programming.
Engineering Portfolio Highlights
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Op Amps: Common Circuits (Part 2)
This post covers the other most commonly used op amp circuits. Basic math functions such… read more.
Op Amps: Common Circuits (Part 1)
Why use an operational amplifier? This post will demonstrate voltage follower, comparator, and amplifier circuits… read more.
Op Amps: The Practical Model
This post covers part two of The Guide to Practical Operational Amplifiers. The topic for… read more.
Op Amps: Choosing and Reading Datasheets
This Guide to Practical Operational Amplifiers was written for a corporate R&D audience based on… read more.