Analytics GUI for Sensor R&D

The analytics GUI is a data processing, visualization, and management tool used to research new sensor applications and troubleshoot machine train issues due to new vibration modes.

It is a project-centric GUI that allows the end user to:

  • Import vibration data from ADRE 408 or other select data acquisition units;
  • Organize vibration data along with it’s metadata in a hierarchical manner;
  • Apply various custom algorithms and signal processing techniques;
  • Create cutting edge plots showing vibration data in two and three dimensions.

The goal of this project was to:

  • Simplify the process of analyzing large vibration data sets;
  • Act as a test bed for developing new ways to visualize vibration;
  • Act as a proof of concept for future System 1 features;
  • Be simple enough for external customers to operate.

Features & Design Techniques

  • GUI was written in C# and interfaces with custom MATLAB algorithms via the MATLAB Compiler Runtime.
  • GUI was built using WPF and implements the Model–view–viewmodel architecture for tracking data and enabling MATLAB analytics.
  • Includes an on-demand FFT function in the main project code.
  • Implements an “auto-run” feature to execute a list of algorithms and intelligently select what data to plot.
  • Each data project created by the GUI is saved as an XML file.
  • Deployed via ClickOnce.

Responsibilities & Scope

  • Requirements & architecture design
  • Algorithm packaging, updating, and creation
  • User interface design
  • Documentation (UI manual, tutorial videos, dev wiki, code)
  • Project and task/issue tracking (GitHub)
  • Entire project from start to finish

Screen Captures




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