The 3500/60M100 HASS Backplane is a six layer, multipurpose board. It provides HASS testing capability for the 3500 and 60M100 product lines without the need to change fixtures between tests. In addition, it functions as a board test fixture for 60M100 CPU boards.
Features & Design Techniques
Floating commons allow DUTs to short various supplies for positive or negative voltage operation.
- No manual re-configuration of supplies is necessary.
- Split power planes to distribute power load on supplies.
Current sensing for power draw monitoring during powered HASS testing.
- Geometry of mechanical fixture forced non-ideal current sense resistor location.
- Trace length matching utilized to ensure errors in current sensing are consistent across measurement points. Errors corrected for in test plan pass/fail windows.
Responsibilities & Scope
- Circuit design and schematic capture in Altium
- Altium Designer PWB layout
- Assembly and testing
Project Photos

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